So, I came to D.C. thinking this was my dream. I had just been here a few months earlier and I l-o-v-e-d it. My ideals changed in a short period of time. I had always wanted to live up here, be someone important, work in some super important job, and be very satisfied with a career. Now, I long for the Southern mentality. I miss the drawls, the tractors, and the country. To say "Natalie is homesick" is an understatement. I don't know how many adjectives one would have to use to adequately describe how badly I miss my home.
But, oh well, right? I'll get over it. There is only about 2 and 1/2 months until I can wake up and be close enough to throw something to my closest and most trusted friends. OMG I can't wait!
Things are getting better for me. I don't feel like I'm ostracizing myself as much. I got to meet Rahm-ie, Wolf-ie, and Senor John King. One of my pictures was put in the Washington Times. I get to be around family I wouldn't have ever seen had I stayed in Atlanta forever.
Oh and on a different note, I'm so sick of the weather everywhere. Our system seems to be so freaking ridiculous right now! Who has 70 degrees in February? And then one and a half weeks later, the meteorologist predicted snow. Oops--the predicitions have already changed. There should be snow on Sunday, instead of Thursday and Friday. I'll be getting sick again very soon. Mark my words.
I've met two people that I'm sure I'll keep up with, after this project is over. They're sweet, but crazy (and you two know this). I do well with crazy. I kind of love it, actually.
Anyways, I'm off to eat breakfast and get ready for my internship. Let's hope today goes better than the past 5 Sundays? If it doesn't, I guess I can write the paper due this Friday.
Torrez impresses as women's swimming rookie
8 years ago