Well, friends and neighbors, from the clock on the wall, I can see that I forgot to set it ahead for daylight savings time, which really threw me off, and somehow I lost a week, and my calendar caught on fire, and my pocket watch spontaneously exploded, and by my reckoning, it's probably time to write on this blog again...
Last week was spring break (yay), and I went back to my old homestead in Colorado (which isn't really very old at all). I played video games and watched my DVD collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Apart from that, much sleep was had by all. It was a good week and a good time to relax.
But, now I'm back, and rather than feeling thrust back into the rush of the city (which I could handle just fine), there's a bit of a hiatus at school and work, so I feel that I am just now reaching the edge of the cliff where vacation drops into the abyss of routine, rather than already falling.
Whatever else I may do the rest of the semester, I think one of my greatest accomplishment will still be introducing a Londoner to the musical stylings of Hank Williams Sr... I would never have thought that England and the American South had any views in common, even in songs, but, there we are.
As more developments develop throughout the rest of my semester here, I will be sure to ramble and drone on about them in either a hilarious or altogether uninteresting way, depending on my readers...
That is all,
"And now for something completely different."
--John Cleese
Torrez impresses as women's swimming rookie
8 years ago