Whew! Another cold day is almost over. YES!
I compared yesterday's weather, Jan. 27th, to today's and it's a little better.
The weather here is nothing like GA. It's always cold and it seems like the sun stays hid all the time. Down south it's like you want the sun to stay hid for that extra second. But here, it's totally different.
Once again I took the metro to my internship. I miss Diesel, my car, so much. I hate walking to the metro then walking to where I have to go. So much walking here and there. It makes you realize just how blessed you are t have a car. Even if you have a pinto for a car, walking everyday would make you realize just how lucky you are to have a pinto.
While at my intern, I did my usual, looked up business headlines. It started out kind of slow for me, being that sports is my best area, but everyday I'm getting better at it.
I arrived back to my place that I now call home, City Hall, around 7:30 and got settled in. I washed and dried my clothes. Something else that I kind of dislike. Why? Because I'm used to having the washer and dryer in one place along with the detergent. I walked all the way down to the laundry room to only realize when I got down there I had forgotten my washing powder. So of course I had to walk back upstairs to get my box of Tide.
Afterwards I chatted with my mom. I miss my family, church family and close friends like everything. It's not the same without having them around. My friends, especially Rico, knows exactly how to make me laugh. I always have a blast with him and my cousin Ticket (James).
Oh well, guess I'll get myself together and get ready to work on our project that's due Friday.
Our first project was about President Barack Obama's Inauguration. For our project we based it around then, Inauguration Day, and then afterwards, meaning after everything was over. It turned out nice.
Until next time take care & be blessed!
Torrez impresses as women's swimming rookie
8 years ago