Thursday, April 30, 2009


You remember when you were in middle school and had a crush on that special someone? I do! And remember how you felt whenever that special someone came your way? I do. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling like that all over again.

Everytime I see him, lets just call him Rajon, the softer side of me comes out. I can't help but to feel like this little sixth or seventh grader that has the hots for a cutie. If you saw him you'd agree.

Rajon is always dressed nice. His smile is the cutest I've seen in a while. I love his style! I could go on and on about Rajon but the thought of him makes me wish I was with him now.

We chit chat every now and then, in person, and I wish it could last forever. I don't know what it is about him. The other day he had on the mustard color polo shirt with the jeans that has the brown look to them along with some shoes to match. Brother can dress. Always wrinkle free. And his smell. Off the chain! It isn't cologne, I'm thinking Tide or Gain with some kind of scent. Or maybe fabric freshner. But whatever it is, I'm loving it!

Rajon's swagger, voice, smile and style always gives me a CREST SMILE!