Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thanks for the Memories

To the Summer 2009 Semester in Washington Journalism Program: Thanks for the Memories

-Thomas drops Lauren -- both of them.

-The creation of the Evenflow game
-Walking into the apartment and screaming for Joey's name to no avail
-The Water balloon fight -- hitting Brittney Cooley in the face, it was so mean but it was funny
-All the Nats games, no matter how crappy they were

-Seeing Lt. Dan (Gary Sinese) during a Memorial Day Parade
-Getting rejected from giving the doorman at some hotel a dollar because I wanted to tip him by folding it up in my hand and handshaking and giving it to him but he didn't understand what was going on
-Trips with Biz-mark
-"President Obama! President Obama!"
-Fourth of July on the National Mall
-The pillow talk with Josh
-Josh, Thomas and Jordan and the Secret of Joey
-Random text messages/phone calls/facebook messagees from Lauren Hogan
-Lauren Steier's love of Nebraska no matter how crappy it was
-Asking the security guard at the Washington monument how tall it was and him trying to give a smart answer but failing miserably
-Being at the Rhino bar the same night as the Real World People
-The report between Margaret and Josh about their Georgia roots
-Going to the zoo and getting my picture of the "hungover panda"
-Brittney Cooley giving me the nickname of "panda", also comparing her boyfriend to Seth Rogen
-Chanel's cupcake quiz
-Camping -- Thomas asking us all philosophical questions about life, liberty and Nebraska
-Camping -- Josh thought he was on fire and didn't want the pictures on facebook because his dad is on facebook
-Camping -- Chanel keeping the fire alive by throwing batches of leaves into it
-Sarah's fall/Josh wets himself
-The Revivalists concert
-Nights at the National Mall
-7-11 Trips: in particular singing "Two Princes" by the Spin Doctors and getting the employee into it
-Getting lost in Dupont and creating a new term
-Listening to the Gift of Words and Music
-Creating the Giver-Guys Night Out: "Are you embarrassed by this piece of crap???"
-Thomas' shock at the gray squirrel
-Drift Away moments
-Watching the Lakers/Nuggets, Lakers/Magic with at least one fan of the opposite team
-Michael Jackson week, the death sucked, but the week was awesome
-The new obsession with the song "Pokerface"
-Making the infamous haiku video that only an elite few have seen thus far
-"Too many Squantos, not enough Indians."
-Thomas' birthday
-"So you write blogs? Is that what's going on here?"