Friday, June 26, 2009

Life Without Joey

Life without Joey...

Joey was supposed to be my roommate this summer in D.C.

He never showed up.

I still go to sleep each night with a bare mattress across the room.

Josh and Jordan are my other roommates. For the first few weeks we’d walk in the room shouting out for Joey hoping he’d finally arrive. We know nothing about Joey but we built him up in our minds as some kind of muscle bound male, simply based off his name and the fact that he’s from Florida. Josh, Jordan and I all got along great and we couldn’t wait to add Joey’s personality to our group. But we’ve given up and we’ve adjusted to life without Joey. And he has no idea what he’s missing out on.

So Joey, here’s a quick wrap up on what you’ve missed out on.

Well the first day here, Josh, Jordan and I saw Captain Dan (Gary Sinise) from the movie Forrest Gump in the Memorial Day Parade. Although that quick moment was exciting enough in and of itself, he’s missed much more.

Joey’s missed the Amos Gelb tourist experience (too much to describe here), discovering hidden memorials at night, sports outside the Washington Monument, nightlife throughout DC (sorry, no details), John Donvan from Nightline , the House Chambers, stirring Washington Nationals games, the Gay Pride Parade, documenting the Revivalists, sunburns at the Mt. Vernon pool, and way too many other priceless moments.

Joey’s missed out on a lot here in D.C. We’re sure he would have added another great element and sadly he’ll never be one of the The Knight’s of Gelb. (That's we call ourselves, the survivors of this summer semester in DC) But we’re say the least.