Monday, November 17, 2008

WOW only 2 weeks left?!

I can't believe we only have 2 short weeks left (with Thanksgiving break in there). We are going to do our final project, and we're starting it tomorrow. We are filming a morning briefing at a local news station, and interviewing the News Director.

I'm continuing to work hard at my internship. Turns out my mentor was switched to the morning show, and so I went along with her. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. But I really don't mind getting up extra early (6am) and going to work. That way I'm done earlier, I get everything done and I don't waste my time sleeping in. 

It's going to be so hard to leave, even though I miss all of my friends from home and my parents, I love this city. I love everything about it. I love that everyone is dressed in uniform, very professional like they have somewhere important to go (even though most of them don't). I love that the day after the election I was on the metro and the announcer said "You are on the Yes We Can Train to Shady Grove" and everyone smiled. I love that any given day you can walk around and run into something really cool.

I've accidentally run into:
1. The Ford Theater
2. A giant post election party in front of the White House.
3. The Vietnam Memorial
4. Where the g20 were meeting
5. The Lincoln Memorial
6. A protest in front of the capital against proposition 8.

I love that I can see the Washington Monument everywhere I go. I love that there are 8 million different kind of police (so I'm always safe) I love that it's no secret that everyone is a political junkie here. It's awesome. 

I'm not sure what awaits me at home, but I am going back a changed girl. Now instead of not knowing what I want to do when I grow up. I know of at least 20 jobs I want to do when I grow up. :)