Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Make a Statement at the Capitol

What's the easiest way to make a statement on Capitol Hill? Many suggest starting with an internship and working from the bottom up. But for a weekend trip, the statements made on Capitol Hill all come down to a matter of focus.

Walk past the United States Capitol Building on Saturday and a kaleidoscope of contorted figures, blend together in a scene not normally associated with legislation - until seen through the viewfinder on the camera. Flocks of the young, old, tourist, locals and the curious all have their own way to pose in front of the Capitol, and every pose is worth a thousand words.

Mahendrm, who traveled from India to Washington, D.C. with his family said, when he got ready for his close up it was really more important to capture the Capitol itself.

From another perspective Eliana, Danielle and Brittany say it's all about tagging a fun photo on Facebook.

Turn the lenses toward Dimitry - posing like the top dog in Washington - and all he can say, "why not pose like the President."

Next time you pass the Capitol, give some thought to what your own photo caption might say someday.